Wellness in the Workplace

Wellness in the Workplace

Benefits of Raising Awareness, Taking Actions The last few years have been challenging for people, and no matter your job, it’s often difficult to switch off emotions just because you’re at work. With growing attention focusing on mental health and holistic wellness (and a wave of millennial and Gen Z employees more attuned with the […]

5 Benefits of a Grief Retreat

5 Benefits of a Grief Retreat

Compassionate, Safe Space for Healing Grief can make you feel isolated and alone. Individuals can often get lost in such overwhelming sorrow, but there are ways to move forward in a safe space with experts who can help. There are many benefits of a grief retreat. This type of wellness retreat allows you to reconnect, […]

How to Prepare for Loss of a Loved One

How to Prepare for Loss of a Loved One

Tips for Handling the Heartbreak It’s said that it’s as natural to die as it is to be born. While there are many guidebooks published for expectant parents who put months into preparing for a birth, there’s no handbook for dealing with the incredibly overwhelming experience of preparing for the loss of a loved one. […]

Wellness Retreat Healers Help Recovery

Wellness Retreat Healers Help Recovery

Regain Your Balance by Finding Your Purpose With all that’s going on in the world, it can sometimes feel like we’re living in a snow globe that’s constantly shaken. The only way it can settle is to find a calm and regain your life’s balance. Being able to heal your soul and emotional well-being can […]

What is a Grief Retreat?

What is a Grief Retreat?

Providing a Safe Space to Move Forward and Heal The intense emotion and sorrow of grief can be overwhelming and an isolating experience. A grief retreat can provide a safe space to learn ways to cope with loss, reconnect, heal, and move forward. Grief abounds Turn on the news for just a few minutes, and […]

Understanding Breathwork

Breathwork Retreats Offer Dynamic Healing Humans need oxygen to survive, and every system in the body relies on it. Because everyone does it every day, it’s not something people typically give a second thought. But mindfulness of breathing has become more widely practiced, and breathwork can bring balance to your body.  Inhale, exhale Your breath […]

Why Wait? Take a Wellness Retreat

Long Lasting Health Benefits Await You Benjamin Franklin once said, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” It’s advice as essential to heed in the 21st century as it was back in the 1700s. The pandemic has shined a spotlight on the fact that tomorrow is never promised to any of us. […]

How We Heal

Taking on Life-Changing Scenarios Let’s face it, the last couple of years have been a rough ride for many people. We’ve lost loved ones and faced difficult issues. The pandemic has put a strain on all of us in ways we haven’t likely faced before.  While you may be hurting, grieving, or struggling with life’s […]

Why Self-Care Matters

Prioritize Taking Care of Yourself Many people don’t recognize how important it is to practice self-care because they have others in their lives they often put first like a busy spouse, active children, elderly parents or others who need care and attention. But having good physical and mental health is crucial because as Billy Joel […]

Heal with Sound

New Age Practice with Ancient Origins Sound healing is an ancient practice that uses vibrations to release energetic blockages and induce a state of ease and harmony in the body. While many may believe it to be a type of New Age therapy it has deep historical roots. In ancient Greece, Pythagoras (569-475BC) believed celestial […]