Wellness Retreat Healers Help Recovery

Regain Your Balance by Finding Your Purpose

With all that’s going on in the world, it can sometimes feel like we’re living in a snow globe that’s constantly shaken. The only way it can settle is to find a calm and regain your life’s balance. Being able to heal your soul and emotional well-being can be challenging, especially if you’ve experienced trauma, emotional tension, or are just tumbling along in search of personal growth. Going on a wellness retreat and getting the assistance of healers can help in your recovery. 

Access to experts

It’s important to prioritize self-care, and a wellness retreat offers many long-lasting benefits. The experience can be life-changing because it provides the time to reconnect and gain clarity. Our healers offer you the health and wellness you need to transform into your best self, including providing tools and practices you can integrate into your daily routine long after the retreat has concluded.

Lori Kurszewski (MA, LAT, NBC-HWC, CEAS):  With a background in health coaching and athletic training, Lori is a Health & Wellness Coach, Retreat Leader, and Mind-Body Medicine Group Leader. Lori understands those who have suffered through a health crisis because she became quite ill in 2011, forcing her to navigate doctor appointments, medications, and hospital visits. Working on her own healing led her to complementary and alternative practices for mind, body, and spirit. Lori understands the hesitation some people may have when approaching self-discovery. She works with those on a wellness journey and finds her life’s purpose is to follow “inspiring healing through listening.”

Troy Valencia: As a Holistic Transformational Coach and Shamanic Healer, Troy uses various healing modalities to empower individuals. This includes guided meditation, breath work, sound healing, earth grounding, past life regression therapy, and plant medicine integration. “You are not your body, which is subject to the cycle of birth and death,” he reminds. “You are not your mind, which is merely a matter of impressions you’ve collected, both voluntarily and involuntary, over the course of this and past lifetimes.” Troy’s purpose is to assist people in the experiential process of waking up, finding one’s personal freedom, living in peace, harmony, abundance, and being of service to this entire planet.

Joaly Trinidad: A New York native with a Dominican heritage strongly rooted in Taino and African history, Jo graduated from New York University with a Master’s in Counseling. As a service-oriented leader, artist, and therapist, she offers mindfulness-based practices, art, sound therapy, and herbal medicine. Individuals can be helped through yoga, sound meditation, and Biofield Tuning, a subtle energy sound therapy modality that uses medical-grade tuning forks on the body. This practice can help increase energy, and reduce damage from stress and “stuck energy.” It may also help those who suffer from acute and chronic pain, fear, anxiety, depression​, addiction, panic attacks, migraine headaches​, fibromyalgia, and PTSD.

Steve Montoya:  If you search the internet, you won’t find much on Divine Master Healer Steve Montoya. He never advertises his services. He says, “People who need my work will always find their way to me. They’ll see or hear my name and just know that they need to see me.” He trusts in the HSC (Holy Spiritual Channel) and “that Spirit will put my name in front of the people who need me most.” To date, it’s been more than 12,000 people, and he is often sought out by dignitaries, celebrities, and professional athletes. 

Steve is of Apache descent and has a healing ability that must be seen to be understood. He wasn’t aware of his gift until he was approximately 30 years old; over the last 25 years, his healing work manipulates the energy that makes the core of our physical being. As Albert Einstein discovered, energy and matter are the same things, just in different forms. With Steve’s help, individuals will experience this phenomenon. What he does is a miracle; the fact that you have the opportunity to work with this man is not by chance. You are being called for a reason.

Help with healing

If you’re looking to regain your balance and find your purpose, get assistance during a Thrive Retreat. Our healers provide the health and wellness you need to transform into your best self.

Thrive Souljourns are designed to blend the best travel experiences you can imagine with the health and wellness you need, allowing you to have the best of both worlds. Enjoy an experience that regenerates your body, soul, and spirit.


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