Dust off your boots and tune-up your two-step
THRIVE is headed to NASHVILLE this spring!
This Souljourn is so named because EIGHT Guests, THREE talented Singer-Songwriters, and ONE gifted Energy Healer will come together for FIVE amazing days to explore the power and healing properties of ENERGY in our lives… energy from music and storytelling… energy that flows around and through us… energy that heals, motivates, and empowers… energy that excites one’s spirit and feeds one’s soul.
THE 8315 TO NASHVILLE – just $2095 per person
Don’t delay… only 8 precious spots open for this retreat!
This 5-night/6-day music/energy retreat will focus on songwriting and storytelling, with the help of 3 gifted musical divas. In addition, guests will also have the chance to explore a number of energy-related healing modalities in a series of group and one-on-one sessions with a shamanic energy healer.
You’ll see from the planned itinerary, below, that I’ve tried to strike a great mix of group activities and one-on-one sessions with the songwriters and the healer… AND leave most evenings open so that guests can explore the honkey-tonks and Nashville scene on their own. I’m hopeful that we may even find the time to do a sightseeing excursion one day (perhaps to the Jack Daniel’s factory in Lynchburg, TN) – TBD, but fingers crossed!
As planning and coordination continues, this itinerary may change slightly, without notice.
- Pre-retreat: Homework to prepare your “story” and accompanying photographs
- Day 1 (May 4) – Arrivals / Check in to your hotel (See accommodations section). 6:00 pm – Welcome dinner, introductions, orientation, group activities.
- Day 2 (May 5) – Morning guided meditation & intention setting, followed by schedule of 1:1 appointments with songwriters & healer. Free evening.
- Day 3 (May 6) – Morning Sound bath & intention setting, followed by schedule of 1:1 appointments with songwriters & healer. Free evening.
- Day 4 (May 7) – Optional activity day – There will be a sightseeing trip this day for anyone who wishes to participate. I am thinking we will go to the Jack Daniel’s factory and poke around the little village of Lynchburg, TN. Another option would be to visit the Country Music Hall of Fame or taking a guided walking tour through Nashville. I will do a poll of all participants to see what floats everyone’s boat. Free evening.
- Day 5 (May 8) – Two people will have their 1:1 appointments with Jo this morning. Jo will have open hours to discuss any of her work or aura readings with anyone who is interested. The songwriters may meet with individuals to finalize songs throughout the day. 6:00 pm we will have our final dinner and concert of everyones’ songs.
- Day 6 (May 9) – Morning departures
Included in price:
- All lectures and education sessions
- All songwriting sessions/collaborations
- All scheduled group healing sessions
- One 2-hour private healing session (additional sessions may be made available by appointment… additional fees would apply)
- Opening reception and dinner
- Closing dinner
- Final concert
- Recording of your song and accompanying images (if you’ve provided photos) – will be delivered to you within a 3 weeks following the event.
- Possibly the field trip activity (Once we determine which activity everyone wants to do, I’ll know if I have room in the budget to cover the transportation and admission fees (if any), or if I’ll have to ask for each person to cover a portion of the extenses on this day).
Not included:
- Airfare to/from Nashville
- Hotel in Nashville (I can help facilitate a rooming list if you wish to share a room with someone to save a bit of money)
- Most meals, drinks, and cover fees for nightclubs
- Ground transportation / transfers in Nashville.
NOTE: Susie will have a car, and will help to move people around a bit throughout the retreat (if needed). But, the plan is to keep most/all of our activities in Downtown Nashville so that walking or pedi-cabs are viable options for all guests. That said, it would be fantastic if 1-2 others had their own rentals, and could help move people around a time or two during the trip. Let Susie know if you plan to rent a car and would not mind driving others. I will have more information on our specific venues very soon, which may help you determine what you wish to do! Please stand by for now!
It is such an honor to have three musical bad-asses lined up to work with the tribe during this retreat!
Eve Selis has been a dear friend of mine for more than 35 years. When I approached her last year with my idea of a music- and energy-filled Thrive Souljourn, she was immediately ALL IN!
As is evidenced by Eve’s most recent CD, “See Me With Your Heart,” she is no stranger to Life’s random gut punches. She pours her heart and soul into her incredible music and never-ending charity work. Prior to moving to Nashville with her family a couple years back, Eve was teaching music thereapy to war veterans at one of the VA facilities in San Diego, and doing tireless work to raise money for a number of charitable causes near and dear to her heart.
Once Eve was onboard with my Nashville retreat, I asked her to hand-select two other singer/songwriters to join the Souljourn, and she delivered… big time (see links to their bios, below)!
I’m absolutely thrilled that all three of these talented, beautiful women are 150% onboard with the purpose of this Souljourn, and they can’t wait to help you turn your story into a very special song! What an amazing and powerful experience this is going to be!
EVE SELIS, RANDI DRISCOLL and KIM McLEAN are all award-winning singer/songwriters residing in Nashville. Each of these women take a heart-centered approach to their music, their charities, and their lives.
(Click on their names, above to see their Bios and more Photos! )