Importance of Self-Care During Grief

Finding Ways to Cope and Move Forward

The pain of loss after a loved one dies can feel overwhelming. Coping with grief is one of life’s biggest challenges. Inevitably, while others come to offer solace, they’ll also likely provide all kinds of unsolicited advice about how to get through this difficult period. Grief is an individual and unique experience. While there is no right or wrong way to grieve, the importance of self-care during grief cannot be underestimated.

Caring for yourself while grieving

Immediately after someone close to you dies, keeping busy and taking care of tasks such as funeral arrangements can be a distraction. Once ceremonial moments are over and the reality of shifting to a new “normal” hits, it can leave you leaving unsure about what to do. Here is some info to guide you.

Strategies for self-care while grieving

Accept your feelings. Recognize that whatever you feel is ok. Anger, sadness, loneliness, fear, and confusion are entirely normal. Emotions are often raw early in the grief process. As part of your self-care during grief, it is important not to stifle these feelings. They aren’t good or bad; they just are. Find ways to talk about them and express them.

Listen to your body. Regular rest is essential because grief can be exhausting. Eat well and eat intentionally. Be sure to hydrate and drink lots of water. Try to avoid alcohol during this time. Exercise allows you to release some tension, and breathwork can bring balance to your body and mind. Because grief can lower your immunity and make you more susceptible to illness, be sure to talk to your doctor during this time.

Schedule something that brings you joy every day. Even if you head back to your job or other obligations, make time for yourself daily. Do something you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, baking, knitting, bicycling, or other activity. However, while you schedule this in, remember there’s no linear schedule for grief. It may come and go and will take as long as it takes.

Awaken your senses. Find comfort in sounds like flowing water, birds, or crickets. Wrap yourself in soft fabrics. Smell flowers, essential oils, or different foods. Consider activities that help you focus on your senses, such as a sound bath, massage, or meditation.

Consider a grief retreat

While it’s important to make yourself a priority during the grieving stage, that can sometimes be difficult to do at home. A grief retreat is a safe space to express feelings, find things that bring joy, and work on ways to become “unstuck.” While you struggle with loss, a grief retreat provides the tools that allow you to reconnect with yourself, be in touch with your emotions, and move toward healing.

Thrive Souljourns grief retreats provide a supportive environment and many benefits. It’s an experience that helps you regenerate your body, soul, and spirit during this healing journey. Get the help you seek and the emotional support you need during a Thrive Retreat. Feel free to contact us about how we may assist you during this difficult time. 


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